Three Killer Looks For Freshers Party!

Hello my lovelies!

I know for a lot of you college has started and for a lot of you and a lot of you are new to college which means you have your whole college life ahead of you ( lucky you! ) and for most of us the college life begins with the Freshers’ Party! Woohooo! Paaaaarty!

So here are 3 looks which you can try wearing at your college Freshers’!

( Note : I am wearing a floral tiara in all of the following looks because I love Lana Del Ray too much, you can opt not to wear the tiara if you don’t want to )

Look 1.


I love the ombré trend in fact I love it so much that I want to try doing ombre colour on my hair ( more on that later ) but when I saw this dress on sale at Zara I just fell in love with it! This dress is chic and perfect for a freshers’ party!


The Tip

Neutral or champagne coloured dresses add elegance to your whole appearance making you look mmm.. hot property in college.

Look 2


When I bought this dress I was insanely attracted to the material and print of the dress. Wearing a bold colour with a bold print would definitely make you stand out in the crowd.

The Tip

Choose a colour which is bold yet sits well with your skin tone. Also, the print if the dress should be bold but not ‘overbold’. We don’t want your dress to induce seizures amongst the party goers due to its toooo bright colour and print.

Also remember, when wearing a bold print keep the rest of the look simple, don’t overaccesorize, minimalism is the key of the look.

Look 3


When in doubt wear white! White looks elegant and ethereal. This dress from Globus gives you a subtle and elegant look.

The Tip

When wearing white make sure it is not sheer or transparent, you don’t want to give a free show to the people afterall!

Final Thoughts

Clothes can only help with your outside appearance. What you really need to do for a freshers’ party is to just be yourself, talk and socialise with people and have a great time!

Did you have a Freshers’ Party? If yes, how was it?